As a lump sum, you have monthly tax and contribution costs that are determined based on the tax ruling. Find out how much you can expect from the Tax Administration’s calculator.
Enter basic data, such as activity code and the address where you would register your agency, and you will receive the expected amount of taxes and contributions.
If you already have an agency, on the same calculator you can see how much monthly expenses are expected in the coming period. Enter all required data and do not forget the base amount from the previous resolution.
Taxes and contributions are paid on the basis of Tax resolution, which will contain the payment information, by the 15th of the month for the previous month.

Taxes and contributions

As a lump sum, you have monthly tax and contribution costs that are determined based on the tax ruling. Find out how much you can expect from the Tax Administration’s calculator.
Enter basic data, such as activity code and the address where you would register your agency, and you will receive the expected amount of taxes and contributions.
If you already have an agency, on the same calculator you can see how much monthly expenses are expected in the coming period. Enter all required data and do not forget the base amount from the previous resolution.
Taxes and contributions are paid on the basis of Tax resolution, which will contain the payment information, by the 15th of the month for the previous month.